
I ran out of white dove feathers to soak up the hot piss that comes from your mouth every time you address me.

You say my name
To make a point
To somehow define
I know how far the line extends
I put it there
From the unfamiliar to prey
And now strangers
From forced friends
It's all the same
It was nothing to begin with
It feels like a healthy empty
It is a new day
And you, a man unglued
You say my Christian name
Like a counter attack
Am I now wicked?
Your sister, now the villain
A pretty little Rumpelstiltskin
And three times over it tripped out of your mouth
I am both your promise and your curse
Did you find the spell broken?
Or are you still trapped in your own nightmare
Running as fast as you can
Tracking every mile, every moment
I watched from the sidelines
Noting pleasure bought on the black market
Counting every night spent out of the marriage bed
Any bit of empathy I had is gone
And you've fallen from grace
I felt something inside me flutter
And then I felt it again once
And then it was dead
Dried and drawn
You say my name
To make a point
To somehow define
Go on now, baby, you lost this game
I know how far the line extends
I put it there

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